poodle女想留後, 剛起水, 半年前從加拿大帶回來香港 成功配出會送出一隻或酬勞 有意者請直接連相 SMS 我: 90139310 或 email 到 [email protected] For more photos please go to instagram: rorosiesiee

The goal of our online store is to provide consumers around the world with products at near wholesale prices. Our experience and relationship with major distributors allow us to offer heavily discount

小弟想領養一隻toy poodle陪伴我家poodle. 有意轉讓者 可以與我聯絡!可詳談

有晶片有針卡,健康貴婦狗,有興趣可wts 90216178

紅TINY TOY 貴婦 宜家2個半月大 打左1針 體內驅左蟲 好似部IPHONE 咁上下 可以睇片 屋企係新界 返工係港島 所以要放假先可以睇狗狗 可以上門睇亦可以MTR 領養費4200 上班時間要早晚晏的 請WSAPP 勿致電 WHATSAPP :64374328 Richard

2歲,tiny toy poodle, red。狗女體形細小,如果只生得一隻bb,自留,但我會付配種費。如有2隻,願比一隻對方。

Whether new or used, the company specializes in the purchase of vehicles from various European countries and Japan.
G汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Gainfull Motors Trading Ltd.

買賣及批發 / 玩具及模型Jnetoshop 株式会社

代post 自家繁殖貴婦bb 2女1仔: 1紅女, 1紅仔同1黑女 11月8日出世 已打1針有針卡 已斷奶識食糧 媽媽係toy size :11lbs 爸爸係tiny size :6.5lbs bb 大個後會大約8-10lbs. 有意可聯絡97895829/61552289 Tiny toy poodle babies for sale: $4000. Only 2girls and 1boy

0Over the past years, GML has held many road shows at various venues in Hong Kong to increase customer awareness of the quality stock the company has on offer
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠金孚汽車有限公司

we have already extended our service to Japan. Delegated staff are localized in Japan in order to contact the domestic customers and attain the hottest Japanese mobile information

Pan-Art Oil Paintings Co. Ltd. is a global wholesale supplier of oil paintings and frames based in Hong Kong, China. We provide original and reproduction oil paintings ranging from commercial to muse
P消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝Pan-Art Oil Paintings Co. Ltd


品牌童裝玩具貨尾清倉優惠, 歡迎量購自用或批發


寵物 / 寵物轉讓Pet Planet Kennel

經過數年來的艱苦創業和努力奮鬥,宏升實力日漸加强,經過不斷優化組合,在業內贏得了良好的信譽。 現時公司主營項目包括:設計生產各種毛絨玩具、吉祥物、禮品、促銷品、動畫專利形象、卡通人偶、模擬玩具、靠墊抱枕以及床上用品、服裝服飾,廣告衫,文化衫家居產品、布藝汽車用品、高爾夫用品等室內外裝潢等產品
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